Five new envoys received letters of accreditation from President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on June 14, 2023, during a brief ceremony at Jubilee House in Accra.

According to the President, all six individuals were appointed in accordance with Article 74 (1) of the constitution and are Career Diplomats who have reached the pinnacle of their careers and have been chosen to serve as the nation’s nominated High Commissioners and Ambassadors.

Mr. Samuel Yao Kumah, High Commissioner to Australia, H.E. Ms. Doris Adzo Denyo Brese, Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Mr. Mohammed Habib Idris, Ambassador to Kuwait, Mr. Kingsford Amoako, Ambassador to Liberia, Mr. Mark Michael Entsie, Ambassador to Libya, and Mr. Alex Owiredu Adu, Ambassador to Niger are among them.

These envoys, the President stated, “have distinguished themselves in the public service of our country and are eminently fit, to represent Ghana in their respective places of accreditation.”

“I must perforce, single out for special mention, the High Commissioner designate to the Commonwealth Dominion of Australia. Mr Samuel Yao Kumah. As someone you know, he has until today, been the Director of State Protocol at the Presidency. He has been at my side, since he assumed this role some three years ago. During which time, he has served with commitment, competence, diligence, honesty, humility and integrity,” he acknowledged.

Additionally, “his decades of service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he once served as the Chief of Protocol, has today been rewarded to the highest position available at the Ministry.”

President Akufo-Addo addressed the need for their appointments at the time by stating that “government in 2021 launched the Ghana Cares Obaatanpa program, which sets us on a roadmap towards revitalisation of the Ghanaian economy.” Akufo-Addo

The development of the nation’s light manufacturing sector, the engineering and development of machine tools, ICT digital economy industries, accelerating digitalization, the growth of Ghana’s housing and construction industry, and the establishment of Ghana as a regional hub are the main components of this program, he continued. Akufo-Addo

He added that, reviewing and optimizing the implementation of government flagship and e-programs, creating jobs for young people and expanding opportunities to the vulnerable in society including physically challenged persons are also part of the key areas.

With these at the core of his second term, he charged them to “familiarise themselves with the objectives above as they represent one of the surest ways out of the crisis confronting the nation, and will help the country on the path of rapid progress and prosperity, buoyed on by the continued transformation of the restructure of the Ghanaian economy. Each one of you must help in contributing to the success of this program, by facilitating amongst other things, as much foreign investment into the country as you can.”

Regarding their work at the multilateral level, the President urged the new envoys to collaborate with their accredited Governments in order to support the country’s common agenda in the fight against the scourge of armed conflicts, terrorism, and violent extremists, the threats of climate change, and the illicit outflow of funds from Africa while simultaneously promoting Ghana’s reputation, which is continuing to grow among the Committee of Nations. Akufo-Addo

“You represent a nation that is recognized as one of the most stable on the African Continent as a consequence of the outstanding behavior of the Ghanaian people. It has a functioning democracy that is based on the separation of powers and is controlled by the respect for the law, personal freedoms, and human rights. In Africa, people look to us as an example of democracy. You represent our nation in the most apparent way, thus you must fiercely defend its reputation in all you do. I have no doubt that you will maintain this charge, he said. Akufo-Addo

“Ghana is in very good terms with all the countries to which you have been posted, our bilateral simulation stands several decades, and our ties of corporation remain strong,” President Akufo-Addo remarked in conclusion. Your responsibility is to delve even further into these and look into new business opportunities that will benefit both of our communities.

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