Ashanti Region: Osei-Mensah’s refusal to apologize unfortunate – Engineering Council-1

Ashanti Region: Osei-Mensah’s refusal to apologise unfortunate – Engineering Council


“Engineering Council Disappointed by Osei-Mensah’s Unwillingness to Apologize-Ashanti region”

The ongoing conflict between the Workers’ Union of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and Ashanti Regional Minister Simon Osei-Mensah has intensified as the Engineering Council of Ghana steps in. As the national voice for engineers, the Council is disappointed at Osei-Mensah’s unwavering reluctance to provide an apology for the arrest of Ing. Mark Wiafe Asomani, the Ashanti Region East Manager of the ECG.

More controversy has been generated by Osei-firmly Mensah’s rejection of the Workers’ Union’s demand for an apology. Citing security concerns, the Minister stands by his decision to order the police to call for Ing. Asomani. The engineering community and the general public have expressed disapproval of this claim, raising concerns about the degree of political meddling in business matters.

The registrar of the Engineering Council, Engineer Isaac Bedu, expressed his worries about the state of affairs in a recent interview with Citi News. He called Osei-Mensah’s behavior disappointing and emphasized the importance of maintaining professional roles’ integrity without unwarranted intervention. Bedu emphasized how crucial it is to guarantee that experts may perform their jobs without worrying about arbitrary interference from other sources.

In an effort to encourage communication between the Workers’ Union and the Regional Minister, the Engineering Council intends to become more involved in the conflict. Their objective is to maintain the values of professional autonomy and accountability while reaching a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

In addition, Bedu asked the employees to maintain composure and carry out their tasks with diligence in spite of the continuous hostilities. He stressed how crucial it is to continue. Ashanti region

professionalism and moral rectitude in the midst of difficulty, advising both sides to put communication and cooperation ahead of conflict.

Stakeholders are keeping a close eye on the situation as it develops in the hopes of a prompt and just resolution that upholds the rights and obligations of all parties.

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