Health Minister Agyemang-Manu explains why he doesn’t use the NHIS card.

Health - Rapid News GH

Health Minister Agyemang-Manu explains Kwaku Agyemang-Manu, Ghana’s Minister of Health, has voiced his displeasure with some service providers under the country’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), whom he accuses of extortion. why he refuses to utilize his NHIS card

He contends that poor subscribers are overcharged and denied vital services that they have already paid for, rather than benefiting from the plan.

On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at the Ghana Health Service Senior Managers Meeting 2023, Mr. Agyemang-Manu said that the complaints from NHIS subscribers revealed that the program was not operating properly.

He highlighted his own experiences to support his assertion that, despite being an NHIS subscriber, he had to pay out of pocket for medical services when he went to hospitals like Ridge and the University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC). Health

“When I visit Ridge Hospital, I pay. When I visit UGMC, I pay. I never even show my insurance card,” he declared. “There are complaints about how people with health insurance are treated in almost all of our facilities,” the statement reads.

The growing number of lawsuits brought against medical professionals for negligence has the Health Minister concerned. He pointed out that since he took office six years ago, the number of these cases has dramatically increased. He encouraged the Ghana Health Service’s senior officials to take action to rectify the situation and stop additional incidents of extortion and carelessness.

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