Okyenhene addresses US universities on climate change

Okyenhene - Rapid News GH

On September 24, 2023, the Okyenhene, Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin, will fly from Ghana to the United States of America, where he will address faculty members and students at two universities in Boston, Massachusetts.

The Okyenhene has been invited by Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Northeastern University because of the enormous leadership role he plays in environmental protection and conservation.


In a letter of invitation from Northeastern University’s Senior Vice Provost for Research, David Luzzi, it was said that your dedication to combating climate change and improving environmental sciences and sustainability “aligns very well with the priorities of the university.”

We would be delighted for you to come to our Boston campus and interact with the staff and students.

The Senior Vice President and Provost of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Dr. Winston “Wole” Soboyejo, also stated in the invitation letter that “your commitment to addressing climate change and to advancing environmental sciences and sustainability aligns very well with the priorities of our university.”

Demanding action

According to a statement released today and signed by Nana Twumasi Ankrah, the Chief of Staff of the Ofori Panin Fie, during the visit, the two institutions will organize durbars for the

Okyenhene to address faculty and students on topics concerning climate change and the urgent need for collective action to reduce its impact, especially on poorer countries.

He will emphasize the interconnectedness of humans and the environment, drawing on his people’s historical reverence for nature, the statement said. 

He will also discuss how the Akyem Abuakwa Kingdom has long recognized the importance of having a harmonious relationship with the land and how human well-being directly depends on the health of the planet, according to the statement.

The Okyenhene’s speech will provide a new perspective on the role of traditional leadership in environmental conservation, according to the statement. The Heads of State and Government will meet at the UN Headquarters in New York on September 18 and 19, 2023, to review the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

“The Okyenhene will address the student body and the general public with a call to action.

He is also anticipated to call on groups, organizations, and governments to accept accountability for their environmental effects and join forces to combat climate change, according to the statement.

According to the release, the Okyenhene will also stress the value of cooperation among many organisations and individuals because no one organization or group can successfully address the problem of climate change on its own.

The statement read, “This historic speech will ignite a spark of hope, reminding us that even in the face of overwhelming challenges, positive change is possible when we unite for a common cause.”

Role of traditional leaders

Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin is also billed to touch on the role traditional leaders have played in African societies for centuries, guiding their communities in matters ranging from governance to resource management. 

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