Current punitive tax regime enough basis for Ghanaians to bring back Mahama – Seth Terkper 1.

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“Assessing Ghana’s Tax Policy: The Case for Mahama’s Return – Insights from Seth Terkper”.

According to former finance minister Seth Terkper, Ghanaians should vote for former president and National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer John Dramani Mahama in the 2024 elections because of the country’s present levy structure.

Mr. Terkper called the country’s current tax rates the most harsh and punishing in its history and said they were unnecessarily high in an interview with Hanson Agyemang of Citi News on Monday.

He clarified that people might look for ways to avoid paying these dues as a result of such high tax rates.

“I believe the levy code is at its worst right now. It is the worst and most punitive levy structure we have ever had. And just like with any punitive levy, you will eventually.

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