GHAMRO should be shut down by the Office of the Attorney General since doing so violates the law – Akosua Agyapong

Akosua Agyapong - Rapid News GH

Akosua Agyapong , a seasoned Highlife performer, has pleaded with the Attorney General’s office to intervene and close Ghana Music Rights Organisation (GHAMRO), citing the unlawfulness of the interim management committee’s activities.

Speaking to Graphic Showbiz, Akosua Agyapong emphasized that the interim management committee, headed by her former friend and bandmate Rex Omar as Chairman, was operating without a legal foundation because their mandate lacked any legal basis.

The ‘Frema’ hitmaker said that GHAMRO’s license had not been renewed by the Attorney General’s office because of ongoing legal disputes.

She disclosed that several people had sued the temporary management committee in court, and the judge had ordered them to resign so that fresh elections could be held.

“Court difficulties prevented the Attorney General’s office from renewing GHAMRO‘s license. The judge ordered the temporary management committee to resign so that new elections could be held after some of our people actually sued them in court, she stated.

Nevertheless, no elections have been held, and Rex Omar and his group are still in charge of the organization despite having no formal legal standing.

The interim management committee’s license was not renewed, according to Akosua Agyapong, because they did not adhere to the three conditions imposed by the Mediation Board, which included rewriting the constitution, carrying out an audit of the accounts, and holding elections.

Before that, though, she added, “a Mediation Board headed by Madam Esi Sutherland-Addy was established, and they asked us to do three things—amend our constitution, carry out an audit of our accounts, and hold elections.”

Including that However, no elections have yet been place, thus Rex Omar and his crew are still in charge despite having no official authority. My claim is that because we didn’t satisfy all three standards set forth by the Mediation Board, the Interim Management or Board’s license was not renewed. Akosua Agyapong

Akosua Agyapong emphasized that she was only calling for the right procedures to be followed and voiced her disappointment at critics who converted her position to a personal assault against Rex Omar.

People assume that I only make vague assertions and baseless accusations when I speak, but they are unaware that the material comes from GHAMRO’s 2021 annual report, which was issued to members, she said.

The constitution of GHAMRO, a collective management organization (CMO), requires it to set aside 10% of the royalties it receives for the welfare of artists even though it is not a charity organization.

Akosua Agyaong cited GHAMRO’s annual report from 2021, which said that the money set aside for artists’ welfare was not getting to people who were in real need.

She emphasized that the data showed that while musicians in need did not receive enough support, the committee in charge of the funding received GH72,000 annually.

The same report also showed that, despite only meeting four times annually, the interim management committee spent GH 132,000 on refreshments and sitting expenses.

“At the moment, GHAMRO is mandated to provide 10% of the royalties it receives to the welfare of musicians. According to the 2021 report, fund managers are paid GH $72,000 annually, but members in need of help don’t receive it, she blasted.

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