Ghana condemns the attacks by Hamas against Israel and urges calm

Ghana - Rapid News GH

The government of Ghana has sharply denounced the continuous attacks by Hamas on Israel and demanded that it stop the attacks right now and evacuate its armed forces from southern Israel.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration urged the Israeli government to display caution in its response to the attacks in a press release that was released on October 8, 2023.

According to the Ministry, Ghana vehemently denounces the assaults and declares its support for Israel’s right to exist and defend itself. However, it also urged the Israel-Palestinian conflict’s two parties to sit down and resume talks.

The press release coincides with a recent uptick in regional violence, which is being caused by rocket assaults from Gaza by Hamas militants and airstrikes by Israeli forces in retaliation.

Numerous individuals have been killed, and extensive damage has been done as a result of the violence.

The international community has generally condemned the attacks and asked Hamas to cease, and Ghana’s criticism of the attacks is consistent with this stance.

Human rights organizations have, however, also condemned Israel’s response to the attacks, claiming that it was excessive and resulted in the deaths of innocent bystanders.

In order to safeguard its population from Hamas attacks, the Israeli government has defended its actions.

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