Following the retirement of Justice Anin Yeboah, Justice Jones Dotse is serving as interim Chief Justice.

Justice Anin - Rapid News GH

After 21 years as a judge and three years as the Head of the Judiciary, Justice Anin Yeboah, the Chief Justice, officially announced his retirement from active duty today.

The senior-most Justice on the Supreme Court bench, Justice Jones Dotse, retired and was replaced as Acting Chief Justice.

This is in accordance with Article 144(6) of the 1992 Constitution, which states that the most senior Supreme Court Justice shall serve as acting Chief Justice until a substantive Chief Justice is appointed when the office of Chief Justice is vacant or the Chief Justice is unable to carry out the duties of his office for any reason.

Until Parliament accepts the nomination of Justice Gertrude Esaaba Sackey Torkornoo as the substantive Chief Justice, Justice Dotse will serve in that capacity.

On Friday, May 26, Justice Torkornoo is due to appear before the Appointments Committee of Parliament for screening.

Profile of Justice Anin Yeboah

In May 1953, Justice Anin Yeboah was born in the Ashanti Region’s Toase.

He graduated in 1981 from the Ghana School of Law at the University of Ghana after attending Amaniampong Secondary School and Apam Secondary School.

At the Attorney-General’s Office in Koforidua, where he worked as an assistant state attorney, he was chosen to lead the Ghana Bar Association’s (GBA) Eastern Region.

Before being promoted to the Supreme Court by former President John Agyekum Kufuor, he furthermore served as a justice of the High Court between 2002 and 2003 and the Court of Appeal between 2003 and 2008.

From 2004 to 2008, Justice Anin Yeboah served as the chairman of the Ghana Football Association’s appeals committee in addition to rising to join FIFA’s adjudicatory chamber.

He was named Chairman of the FIFA Ethics Committee and the Disciplinary Committee at the 67th FIFA Congress in Bahrain in May 2017.

Former President Kufuor appointed Justice Anin Yeboah to the Supreme Court in June 2008.

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