Nana B requests in a police plea that Mahama and Asiedu Nketiah be detained and charged with making “treasonous comments.”

Nana B - Rapid News GH

Henry Nana Boakye, also known by his alias Nana B, the national organizer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), has officially petitioned the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police Service to detain, question, and charge former president John Dramani Mahama and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the national chairman of the rival National Democratic Congress (NDC), with various crimes.

The petition which comes on the heels of a similar suit by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) accuses the two of committing acts contributing to breaches of the peace, and breaking the Criminal Offenses Act, 1960 (ACT 29).

According to Nana B’s appeal, Mahama and Nketiah’s remarks are intended to incite violence for political advantage at the general elections in 2024.

Additionally, he claims that the criticism amounts to a subliminal threat to topple the constitutional procedure put in place for holding general elections in the nation. Nana B

High-status individuals like former President Mahama and Chairman Nketiah, in his view, cannot be shielded from arrest and investigation.

The petition is supported by publications, movies, audios, and other pertinent information. To preserve Ghana’s democracy and the Fourth Republican constitutional order, Boakye has demanded swift action.

The petition claims in part: “Former President John Dramani Mahama, notwithstanding of his position as a statesman, openly lauded across numerous forums the revolutionary roots of the NDC and their unmatched capacity when it comes to unleashing violence for political advantage. Additionally, he stated that the NDC would approach the 2024 elections with a “do or die” and “boot-for-boot” mentality. This invariably illustrates their unrelenting commitment to obtaining electoral power through unethical or illegal means. Nana B

benefit despite the repercussions. John Dramani Mahama reiterated that he meant what he said and that he was never going to withdraw when he was questioned about what he meant by “boot-for-boot” and “do or die” in a media interview. He was also asked if, in hindsight, he would wish to take back those explosive remarks.

Johnson Asiedu Nketiah has often promised to use fire and brimstone to achieve the NDC’s victory in the general elections of 2024. He has stated that the elections will be violent and that his party is prepared to sacrifice people in order to win in 2024. He is known to have stated unequivocally that it was time for NDC members to continue the fight to win the second independence of Ghana and that they are willing to give everything they have, including their lives, for an NDC victory in the general elections of 2024 during his victory speech after his election as the National Chairman of the NDC on December 18, 2022.

The NPP is of the firm belief that such criminally reckless and treasonous commentary coming from John Dramani Mahama and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah portends a great danger for the peace and stability of the State and also has the potential to incite their supporters to disturb the constitutional order by using some unconventional and extra-constitutional means of overthrowing a democratically elected government.

“I contend that the treasonous and inflammatory comments made by John Dramani Mahama and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah collectively represent a pattern of behavior designed to motivate NDC party lackeys to use any means necessary, including violence, as long as an electoral victory is guaranteed. It also amounts to a covert threat to subvert the constitutional procedure put in place for holding the nation’s general elections. In fact, we think it was their careless commentary that recently gave one of their own, the NDC Youth Organizer for Suame Constituency in the Ashanti Region, the confidence to blatantly declare that the NDC Youth were prepared to kill people to ensure an NDC victory in the general elections of 2024. Nana B

“In light of the aforementioned, I humbly submit that high-status individuals such as Former President John Dramani Mahama and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the National Chairman, cannot be immune from arrest and investigations if such vacuous commentary is to be eliminated from our body politic. After all, the principle of equality before the law is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic. Nana B

“Madam, the offense of offensive conduct conducive to the breach of the peace that is still on the books in our country is intended to prevent conduct like the one described above that has the potential to incite others to violence and wrongdoing, especially in light of the influence of the people involved. Any patriotic citizen should not say such things, much less the former president and head of the major opposition party. Even more concerning is the fact that such opinion is tantamount to treason because it endangers the state’s peace and security and has the power to undo all the progress we have achieved toward democracy during this Fourth Republic. Nana B

As a result, and in light of the fact that the statute of limitations does not apply to criminal behavior, I humbly request that your esteemed office arrest Former President John Dramani Mahama and Chairman Asiedu Nketiah right away, look into their conduct, and bring charges against them for it. Our democracy and the Fourth Republican constitutional system need your intervention right away. This would, in my opinion, serve as a warning that anyone can be targeted by the long arm of the law, regardless of status, so people should exercise caution while commenting.

See the petition’s full text below.

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