First Bugri Naabu leak footage looks to have been altered, says the committee’s chairman


The initial audio provided to the committee appears to have been altered, according to the ad hoc Parliamentary Committee looking into the Bugri Naabu tape that was released and involves a debate about why Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), should be fired.

The second tape the committee has received is longer than the first recording that was already played at the committee’s numerous sittings and about which the witnesses have testified, according to Samuel Atta Akyea, the chairman of the committee, who made this information public.

He claimed that more information seemed to be on the second tape as well.

This was said by Mr. Atta Akyea in a statement to the media following a closed-door session today.

The meetings were suspended in the meantime and were scheduled to resume on Monday, October 2, 2023.

“The IGP was handling another crucial issue of national importance. After asking Bugri Naabu a few questions, we broke up the conversation. After the closed-door session on Wednesday, Mr. Atta Akyea addressed the reporters. “We said because of the nature of what is happening, we want to do a thorough job and end quickly,” he added.

“The country can’t focus on this issue for too long. It affects this nation’s security in some way. We are trying to question the IGP, the head of internal security, and we should wrap up as soon as possible,” he continued.

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