GES interdicts the headmaster of Fijai SHS for charging unlawful fees

GES - Rapid News GH

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has  interdicted Kenneth Agbomadze, the headmaster of Fijai Senior High School, on suspicion of obtaining student fees illegally.

The GES sent a press release on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, announcing the interdiction, which is effective right away.

In accordance with the GES, Mr. Agbomadze must transfer control of the school to the Western Regional Director of Education while the case is still being looked into.

A committee to investigate the claims has also been formed by the GES, and it has been given two weeks to turn in its findings to management.

According to a news release issued by the GES’s Head of Public Relations, Cassandra Twum Ampofo, the GES takes claims of unlicensed fee collecting “very seriously” and will not hesitate to discipline any employees who are discovered to be involved.

“The GES has a zero-tolerance policy towards the collection of illegal fees from students, and we will not hesitate to take disciplinary action against any staff found to be involved in such acts,” the release stated.

Mr. Agbomadze’s detention occurs at a time when the government is working to improve education access for all Ghanaians and remove all kinds of educational impediments.

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